Another Film About Hasidic Jews

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Another Film About Hasidic Jews

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Holy Rollers

The films starts out with a young Hasidic male having oneitis for a Hasidic Jewish girl in his community. The young male eventually gets an arranged date with his oneitis but is rejected by her. He feels he's being rejected because he doesn't make enough money working for his dad, so he becomes a drug dealer. Once in the drug world he gradually loses his Hasidic values.

I think this shows that any type of society will still include percentage of rejected men, rejection is just a reality of life. This rejection may not be permanent but there will still be more desirable and less desirable men. Women will still be hypergamous just in a narrowly defined path that encourages better hypergamous choices.
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Re: Another Film About Hasidic Jews

I was this movie yesterday.  I can't tell how accurate this movie is.  I don't know enough about Hasidic Jews to judge that part, but I do know enough about ecstasy, having tried it a few times, to say that the effect was exaggerated.  I don't see anything contradictory about Hasidic Jews smuggling ecstasy.  There is nothing in the Bible against that.  In fact, in the whole movie, I only saw two real crimes committed by the main character, flirting with his bosses girlfriend and misleading other Hasidic Jews.

Of course there are always more and less desirable men and women.  So not everyone will get exactly who they want.  But everyone can find someone in a monogamous culture, and that is a lot better than polygamy and promiscuity where most men cannot be married.

The one lesson I see in this movie is that people without high intelligence should believe in God in order to have a reason to follow a moral system that works.