CoAlphaBrotherhood subreddit

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CoAlphaBrotherhood subreddit


I made a subreddit on CoAlpha Brotherhood. I hope I have the permission of fschmidt and other admins here. If not, I will make it private.

I don't think people will participate so I could start by posting articles from this site.
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Re: CoAlphaBrotherhood subreddit

I basically don't know how to use reddit. I would probably only respond to things posted here, since it's easier to follow one site than two.

You have my permission to make a subreddit and repost any posts I've made here.
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Re: CoAlphaBrotherhood subreddit

In reply to this post by thatincelblogger
Is there any advantage to the posts being on reddit, vs. just being here?
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Re: CoAlphaBrotherhood subreddit

Cornfed wrote
Is there any advantage to the posts being on reddit, vs. just being here?
A post will reach a wider audience.