Convicted Rapist Lives it up with Female Admirers in Sex Predator Commitment Center

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Convicted Rapist Lives it up with Female Admirers in Sex Predator Commitment Center

I'm generally not a fan of The Spearhead, but this article was good:

Lawrence Williams, a man convicted of multiple counts of violent rape, created a good life for himself in the special sexual predator commitment center, smoking crack, shooting porn flicks and maintaining a harem, all with the enthusiastic help of female nurses and corrections personnel.

Williams has a history of sexual assault that goes back to his teens, but he was extremely popular with the ladies, who risked their jobs and freedom to smuggle crack and film pornography with him.

This is the type of man who does well with women in feminist cultures.
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Re: Convicted Rapist Lives it up with Female Admirers in Sex Predator Commitment Center

When you read articles like these, it makes you wonder if western women have any morals or a fucking conscience?

I mean how can they be attracted to a man who committed disgusting and vile acts against women??

The women who are attracted to these kind of lowlifes have minds that are as diseased as the men they are attracted to.

Perhaps these low life women who worship this vile piece of shit should stop and think how would they like it  if their own sister or mother was raped?

Articles like these confirm to me that the USA and its women are most morally and socially bankrupt on this planet.