How can liberals be that stupid?

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How can liberals be that stupid?

How is it even biologically possible that a liberal can't string 2 sentences without saying some crazy fabrication that has nothing to do with what they're replying to?

The only info I found was more about their views altogether  than cognitive processes

Are people just generally idiots? But they seem to be the worst. There's probably no research on this but if somebody has some I'd like to see it.
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Re: How can liberals be that stupid?

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There IS some research on "people just generally idiots". Unfortunately it's not very popular and it won't be since it says that most people are idiots.

1) Dunning Kruger syndrome. Look it up. Most people are idiots yet don't have a clue. On the other hand, most intelligent people have no idea how superior they are.
2) liberals have specific traits, Conservapedia is spot on on this (and I'm NOT a conservative):
3) The Unabomber wrote a manifesto where he showed a keen psychological understanding of the liberal-like psyche. Again he was spot on, you can find it with Google.
4) A study of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and other personality disorder will cast light on the behavior of many people since it's an epidemic.

"How is it even biologically possible that a liberal can't string 2 sentences without saying some crazy fabrication that has nothing to do with what they're replying to? "

this is what Narcissism does. Narcissists hate the truth. They NEED their fantasy land. When you deny it to them they become aggressive.
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Re: How can liberals be that stupid?

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That article you posted sums it up though. And the book it promotes seems like a good idea. Interesting.

BUT conservativism isn't the way either...

Also, I'm loving your blog, caamib.