Maternity Fraud

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Maternity Fraud

Everyone knows Paternity Fraud. Where a cuckolded man raises another mans child thinking he sired it with his wife.

So I started wondering what Maternity fraud would be like...

First picture was a man impregnating a woman against her will. Date Rape.

Second picture, was a twist on date rape. When the girl is knocked out, a man impregnates her, but she's none the wiser. So her husband and her raise the child thinking it is theirs.

But even that isn't close to Maternity fraud. After all, the mother is passing on her genes.

So, heres the third. When the girl is knocked out, a surgical team implants another woman's fertilized embryo into her womb. That she will then go through pregnancy and childbirth and decades of care for, for that offspring. All the while thinking it's hers.

And women wonder why men think Paternity fraud is a big deal...
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Re: Maternity Fraud

You make a damn good point Ardia. As you've shown, even under the worst case scenario (rape), a woman is still passing on her genes. And this is exactly why women need to restrain themselves sexually. There's no possible way for a woman's trust to be violated in child birth. If she has a child - it's hers. Men on the other hand have no natural guarantee found in nature to determine it's their child.