Putin Vs Obama

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Putin Vs Obama

It seems that Obama is an example of an omega that has evolved to win in a degenerate culture but these same traits are mal adapted for fighting an Alpha like Putin on an international level. As an example Obama is busy signing executive orders on equal pay to appease feminists. Meanwhile Putin is swallowing up parts of Europe. The only thing Obama is willing to do is make a few worthless sanctions and call Putin on the Kremlin phone to beg him to stop. If I was a soldier I wouldn't feel confident fighting under Obama.
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Re: Putin Vs Obama

Obongo is just a performing monkey that someone trained to read from a teleprompter. Obviously he shouldn't be taken seriously as any kind of leadership personality.
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Re: Putin Vs Obama

In reply to this post by Drealm

What a reversal, today America spies on its people and Russia does not.
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Re: Putin Vs Obama

Eh, I believe that Russia doesn't spy its people because as far as I understand Slavic mentality they would most likely to spy on the opposition and Russian opposition isn't strong enough to be a threat. But they'd spy them without any court warrants if they did become a threat, that I'm sure about.