Remaining free speech forums?

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Remaining free speech forums?

Can you think of any? Seems HA was a free speech site for a long time but I never went there because I always thought all the topics were about foreign dating. I now see that's far from the truth but it seems to have declined terribly by now.

Maybe Stormfront?

I'm basically looking for a forum where I could spread the ideas on co-alphas.
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Re: Remaining free speech forums?

thatincelblogger wrote
Maybe Stormfront?
No, Stormfront appears to be trying to turn white people into another victim class (which obviously won't work) and as such regularly bans people for being raysis and sexis. It also seems to be used as a vehicle for the pigs to entrap people. Most likely it is a guvmint false flag operation. You should stay well clear.
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Re: Remaining free speech forums?

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I'm not at the front of the storm for two main reasons. One is that, in my personal opinion, they go too far for my POV. While I am not an anti-racist or "colorblind", and I lament diversity rather than to celebrate it, I'm not WN, either- In fact, my own ethnicity isn't always 100% welcome in those circles in the first place. At the front of the storm (name so mangled in order to prevent cross-drama from that site), they're far more hardcore about it than what I am.

The second reason is what Corn said above. I suspect, quite strongly, that it's unsafe even to visit the site. I have seen letters from Abraham Foxman and SPLC activists admitting openly that they monitor the site daily, and are pressuring ISPs to shut it down, and to track or to ban their members who visit it. Governments do the same. In EU countries, where all "racism" is criminalized, even including at the peaceful verbal level that we discuss here, their people are monitoring the site heavily. The administration of Dear Leader here in the US, is almost assuredly doing the same. Mix in some potential additional drama with certain US government security departments, Heartbleed info leaks, etc., and it's just not a wise idea to be there in the first place. Not even for the left trolls denouncing them in their "opposing views" section. False flag is another good point- I wouldn't put it past them.

TL/DR: They're bad news, and more of a threat to liberty than a haven for it.
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Re: Remaining free speech forums?

In reply to this post by thatincelblogger
I have spent time looking for free speech forums and my list is quite short.
unfocused and fairly inactive
an inactive forum with views like Stormfront
A hippy forum that tolerates free speech.  Liberals weren't always so intolerant.

That's all I know of.
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Re: Remaining free speech forums?

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In reply to this post by thatincelblogger
What need is there for free speech when America has made debate into such a high art?

EDIT:  The original video was removed, so I changed it to a clip from the 2013 CEDA Debate.

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Re: Remaining free speech forums?

Looks like the copyright people took it down already.

I tried the links above. Hip looks like some kind of free-love/swinging-type sexual forum. The other two are deserted and/or spammed with a bunch of delusional "word salad" from the same poster.

I don't know what it is about free-speech political forums that really seems to draw the schizos out of the woodwork.

It was worth a try, though. It's good to have this place.
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Re: Remaining free speech forums?

In reply to this post by fschmidt
One other thing about the debate video.  While it is certainly true that modern American blacks are morons, it is also true that modern American whites are morons.  In fact, modern Americans are morons regardless of race, creed, or color as this video demonstrates: