Renaldo pays for surrogate baby

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Renaldo pays for surrogate baby

Here is an idea – paying some chick with the desired genetics to surrogate for you and then raising the kid(s) with your desired girlfriend. Not exactly co-alpha, but perhaps not a bad idea within the context of Western asylums.

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Re: Renaldo pays for surrogate baby

I usually say that extramarital sex by a wife is adultery but by husband isn't.  But this is an exception, this is actually adultery by the husband.  The real point of adultery is that it can cause someone to raise a child that isn't theirs.

My view is pretty simple, children should be raised by their biological parents.  And it shouldn't be that hard for a man from a wealthy country to find a genetically suitable wife abroad.
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Re: Renaldo pays for surrogate baby

It isn't adultery because he isn't married. The girlfriend is more like a paid attendant to the kid and there is no element of fraud. Presumably this arrangement means that Renaldo is less likely to have his child kidnapped and be made to pay a staggering amount of vaginamony to a faithless whore ex. Offhand I can't think of where intelligent white women could be found that aren't feminist bitches to some extent.