Results of a matriarchal society

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Results of a matriarchal society

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Black ghetto welfare queens and constant ghetto fights are what you end up with. Soon white Americans would end up like them if they don't get their act together. I see so many things in common between ghetto rats and white american proles that it isn't funny, well maybe it is. When feminism is at its peak, this is what you get.

China is far ahead of feminist society. But China should be aware of the consequences of feminism and liberalism.

Feminism is promoted whenever resources are high and competition is low.
But when resources are getting low and competition is getting higher, there should be less of an appeal for feminism and liberalism.
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Re: Results of a matriarchal society

Spenta wrote
But when resources are getting low and competition is getting higher, there should be less of an appeal for feminism and liberalism.
It depends who controls the resources. If you have a strong state able to monopolize scarce resources then this would tend to reinforce feminism.
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Re: Results of a matriarchal society

In reply to this post by Spenta
However, I would say that traditional Chinese society stresses seniority over gender. Men are expected to listen to their mothers, who are seen as being wiser than the younger generation. After the patriarch's death, the matriarch (the patriarch's wife) assumes control of the household until her death. However, Chinese society is strongly patrilineal and patrilocal, even though prior to the neolithic era, ancient neolithic Chinese were said to be matrilineal and matrilocal. Matrilineality is extinct within mainstream Han Chinese society while matrilocality existed in some communities where rich families, who only had a single female heiress was married to an adopted child. As a result, those rich families were relegated to a lower social status. The boy would take on the familial name of his new family, and typically would marry the family's daughter.

The hierarchy within Confucian society relies upon five relationships. To an extent, this still rings true in modern Chinese society except it's a little more unnoticeable.