Steve Hoca: Americans are socially disconnected

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Steve Hoca: Americans are socially disconnected


Interesting take on the cause of a lot of the problems that not only incels suffer but also people in American society in general. I've been mulling over what fschmidt has been saying regarding how men don't trust each other in America, and Steve seems to point out what I've felt for quite a while -- I feel like it's difficult to connect to people, and they're very insular.

The problem is, it's not just other people....I feel like this myself a lot. I mean, I feel like if someone walks up to me in public and starts talking to me, like they've got some ulterior motive. Even if people nearby start talking to me, I have these huge defenses. It's like I feel like I can't trust anybody, that somebody's always going to turn their back on me. This adds unnecessary barriers to being social with other people.
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Re: Steve Hoca: Americans are socially disconnected

It's the same shit here in Sydney, there seems to be a less sense of community, with every man for himself. And with women, unless you are a good looking hunk, if you approach them, they will assume you are a creep or rapist.