The future (Idiocracy)

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The future (Idiocracy)

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Many people recommend Idiocracy as a view to the future.

Trouble is, the movie is just a comedic romp more than anything else. Apart from the very politically incorrect 5 minutes, its misleading and wrong.

If the co-Alpha theories are correct (Im not saying they are) - the future would be much more than just dirty and dull. It would be violent and brutal.

To that end, I have other movies that are better fits to this vision:

Ciudad Del Dios (City of God) - about gangs in a Brazillian Favela.

Elite Squad (Tropa De Elite)
 - also about favelas, but from a police point of view.

Bus 174 (Onibus 174)
 - a true footage hijacking also in Brazil.
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Re: The future (Idiocracy)

The problem is that most movies focus on either violence or comedy (stupidity), but rarely both.  The future is both.  I recently read the book "Drug War Zone" about the drug war in Juarez (near me), and the book is full of violence and stupidity of comic proportions.  The only movie that comes to mind that combines these well is Fargo.  Idiocracy may not be exactly accurate, but it deserves credit for popularizing the fact that the future will be stupid.

And its relevance to this forum is that the best/smartest guys tend to be the ones who have the hardest time attracting women.  Unfortunately, this aspect of devolution wasn't covered in the movie.
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Re: The future (Idiocracy)

In reply to this post by Ardia
Of course the granddaddy of brutality was quite a recent movie. I don't see this in the future in any form as it is so extreme even compared to favelas, but nonetheless, a very good movie well worth a watch:

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