Women Respect Only One Thing: Assholes

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Women Respect Only One Thing: Assholes

Stop worrying about respecting women. Women don't want to be respected. They want to be taken. They love being treated like shit and they come back for it time and time again.

Remember those nights that some chick kept you up late telling you about what an asshole her ex-boyfriend was? There's one thing that asshole got that you have never gotten and may never get: her pussy! Over and over! Hundreds if not thousands of times! "He was such a rude bastard. Such an asshole! And, as a result, the next time I am having sex is on my wedding night!" That's been you listening to that bullshit late at night at least once, hasn't it? Hoping that she will respect you enough to let you be her next boyfriend one day? And going home with blue balls? Yep, that has been you!

I agree with Leykis but I think this only applies in feminist cultures.
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Re: Women Respect Only One Thing: Assholes

I totally agree, and I have been friendzoned by 2 women after they poured their hearts out to me, how their ex boyfriends either cheated on them or abused them with violence.

I now have no sympathy for women who KNOWINGLY date a bad boy/thug, and then complain that the guy shits on them.

Seriously this is just proof how fucking stupid some women are, I mean what man would put with an abusive relationship?, not many, but women love it.